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本文共 6998 字,大约阅读时间需要 23 分钟。


package mainimport (    "bufio"    "fmt")type WordsCounter intfunc (c *WordsCounter) Write(content []byte) (int, error) {    for start := 0; start < len(content); {        //跳过开头的space,返回遇到第一个word后下次scan的开始index        //Hello Worlds 调用bufio.ScanWords返回        //6 [Hello的字节slice] nil        advance, _, err := bufio.ScanWords(content[start:], true)        if err != nil {            return 0, err        }        start += advance        (*c)++    }    return int(*c), nil}type LinesCounter intfunc (c *LinesCounter) Write(content []byte) (int, error) {    for start := 0; start < len(content); {        advance, _, err := bufio.ScanLines(content[start:], true)        if err != nil {            return 0, err        }        start += advance        (*c)++    }    return int(*c), nil}func main() {    var wc WordsCounter    wc.Write([]byte("Hello Worlds Test Me"))    fmt.Println(wc) // 4    wc.Write([]byte("append something to the end"))    fmt.Println(wc) // 9    var lc LinesCounter    fmt.Fprintf(&lc, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", "Hello World", "Second Line", "Third Line")    fmt.Println(lc) // 3    fmt.Fprintf(&lc, "%s\n%s\n%s", "第4行", "第5行", "")    fmt.Println(lc) // 5}
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package mainimport (    "fmt"    "io"    "os")type CountWriter struct {    Writer io.Writer    Count  int}func (cw *CountWriter) Write(content []byte) (int, error) {    n, err := cw.Writer.Write(content)    if err != nil {        return n, err    }    cw.Count += n    return n, nil}func CountingWriter(writer io.Writer) (io.Writer, *int) {    cw := CountWriter{        Writer: writer,    }    return &cw, &(cw.Count)}func main() {    cw, counter := CountingWriter(os.Stdout)    fmt.Fprintf(cw, "%s", "Print somethind to the screen...")    fmt.Println(*counter)    cw.Write([]byte("Append soething..."))    fmt.Println(*counter)}
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package mainimport (    "fmt"    "math/rand")type tree struct {    value       int    left, right *tree}func (t *tree) String() string {    res := ""    if t == nil {        return res    }    res += t.left.String()    res = fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", res, t.value)    res += t.right.String()    return res}func buildTree(data []int) *tree {    var root = new(tree)    for _, v := range data {        root = add(root, v)    }    return root}func add(t *tree, e int) *tree {    if t == nil {        t = new(tree)        t.value = e        return t    }    if e < t.value {        t.left = add(t.left, e)    } else {        t.right = add(t.right, e)    }    return t}func main() {    data := make([]int, 50)    for i := range data {        data[i] = rand.Int() % 50    }    root := buildTree(data)    fmt.Println(root)    //空指针    fmt.Println(new(tree))    //只有根节点    root = new(tree)    root.value = 100    fmt.Println(root)    //没有右子树    data = []int{
5, 4, 3, 2, 1} root = buildTree(data) fmt.Println(root) //没有左子树 data = []int{
1, 3, 2, 4, 5} root = buildTree(data) fmt.Println(root)}
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package mainimport (    "fmt"    "io")type StringReader struct {    data string    n    int}func (sr *StringReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {    data := []byte(sr.data)    if sr.n >= len(data) {        return 0, io.EOF    }    data = data[sr.n:]    n := 0    if len(b) >= len(data) {        n = copy(b, data)        sr.n = sr.n + n        return n, nil    }    n = copy(b, data)    sr.n = sr.n + n    return n, nil}func NewReader(in string) *StringReader {    sr := new(StringReader)    sr.data = in    return sr}func main() {    str := "Hello World"    sr := NewReader(str)    data := make([]byte, 10)    n, err := sr.Read(data)    for err == nil {        fmt.Println(n, string(data[0:n]))        n, err = sr.Read(data)    }}
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7.5:io包中的LimitReader函数接受一个io.Reader r和字节数n,返回一个Reader,该返回值从r读取数据,但在读取n字节后报告文件结束,请实现该函数。

func LimitReader(r io.Reader,n int64) io.Reader

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "io"    "os")type LimitedReader struct {    Reader  io.Reader    Limit   int    current int}func (r *LimitedReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {    if r.current >= r.Limit {        return 0, io.EOF    }    if r.current+len(b) > r.Limit {        b = b[:r.Limit-r.current]    }    n, err := r.Reader.Read(b)    if err != nil {        return n, err    }    r.current += n    return n, nil}func LimitReader(r io.Reader, limit int) io.Reader {    lr := LimitedReader{        Reader: r,        Limit:  limit,    }    return &lr}func main() {    file, err := os.Open("limit.txt") // 1234567890    if err != nil {        panic(err)    }    defer file.Close()    lr := LimitReader(file, 5)    buf := make([]byte, 10)    n, err := lr.Read(buf)    if err != nil {        panic(err)    }    fmt.Println(n, buf) // 5 [49 50 51 52 53 0 0 0 0 0]}
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package mainimport (    "fmt"    "sort")type book struct {    name   string    price  float64    author string}type byFunc func(i, j int) booltype tableSlice struct {    lists     []*book    lessFuncs []byFunc}func (ts tableSlice) Len() int {    return len(ts.lists)}func (ts tableSlice) Swap(i, j int) {    ts.lists[i], ts.lists[j] = ts.lists[j], ts.lists[i]}func (ts tableSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {    for t := len(ts.lessFuncs) - 1; t >= 0; t-- {        if ts.lessFuncs[t](i, j) {            return true        } else if !ts.lessFuncs[t](j, i) {            continue        } else {            return false        }    }    return false}func (ts tableSlice) byName(i, j int) bool {    return ts.lists[i].name < ts.lists[j].name}func (ts tableSlice) byPrice(i, j int) bool {    return ts.lists[i].price < ts.lists[j].price}func main() {    book1 := book{
"GoLang", 65.50, "Aideng"} book2 := book{
"PHP", 45.50, "Sombody"} book3 := book{
"C", 45.50, "Tan"} ts := tableSlice{ lists: []*book{&book1, &book2, &book3}, } ts.lessFuncs = []byFunc{ts.byName, ts.byPrice} sort.Sort(ts) for _, book := range ts.lists { fmt.Println(*book) }}
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7.10:写一个函数IsPalindrome(s sort.Interface)bool判断一个序列是否是回文。

package palindromeimport (    "fmt"    "sort")func IsPalindrome(s sort.Interface) bool {    if s.Len() == 0 {        return false    }    i, j := 0, s.Len()-1    for i < j {        if !s.Less(i, j) && !s.Less(j, i) {            i++            j--        } else {            return false        }    }    return true}func main() {    a := []int{
1, 2, 3, 2, 1} fmt.Println(IsPalindrome(sort.IntSlice(a))) // true a = []int{
2, 1, 3, 4, 5} fmt.Println(IsPalindrome(sort.IntSlice(a))) //false a = []int{
1} fmt.Println(IsPalindrome(sort.IntSlice(a))) // true a = []int{} fmt.Println(IsPalindrome(sort.IntSlice(a))) // false}
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